
Candle Records

Este sugerente cartel es Andrio Abero para Candle Records. Buscando por la web he encontrado esta descripción de su persona y de su trabajo. No conozco más de su obra, pero lo que dice coincide con la primera impresión que tuve al ver el cartel.

«This Andrio Abero guy, he kinda makes me nervous. Technically skilled, devilishly creative, and smart as a whip, there are no holes in his game. When you meet him, he’s super friendly and polite. You don’t even get the vibe that he knows how brilliant he is. He’s either an angel or some kind of robot from the future sent to prevent the art apocalypse. And scarier still, he keeps getting better! Just look at this print for Candle Records. I chose this as Andrio’s best from ’06 because it’s a strong example of where his work has come and where it’s going. The concepts are getting stronger, the textures deeper, and he ain’t afraid to fill the whole canvas. Not that’s he’s lost his magic touch with negative space. He’s just adding more to the arsenal, like when the Beatles started doing drugs. Look out!» – Jon Smith (Smithbellcraft)